Sunday, March 27, 2011

Lindsay's back from the church retreat

We had a wonderful time spending time with our church friends and trying to discern God's will for my life. Last night Peter and I did a traditional folk dance called the Viriginia Reel and Square dancing not the sort of proper dance we were taught when we were younger but it was fun and good exercise.  

Friday, March 25, 2011

Tammy's Avon (Charactor in Lindsay novel)

Tammy sells Avon which by consequedence so does her creator Laura. Tammy is having a make up party-can her husband John stay sober and stay out of the way while Tammy does her makes over the women on her street?

Lindsay is going on church

Lindsay and Peter are going on the church retreat in the mountains of N.C. I hope they learn more about God and how to grow in their faith.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Can anyone tell how far Richmond, VA is from Washington, D.C.? This guy Peter in the Lindsay book splits his time between Richmond and Washington, D.C. 
Thanks for your help,

European research for Lindsay

If anyone has been to Scotland, France, Holland and Sweden can you help me in doing research for Lindsay what they do in these countries? What would they eat? How would they celebrate Christmas? I have not made it there yet so I need your help. 

Monday, March 21, 2011


Let me introducse you to Lindsay the star of the Lindsay novels the first one to be published.  I have been writing for a long time since 1994 and it took me quite sometime to get published. Lindsay is a princess, her mother is the Princess Jennifer of Sweden, Jennifer's mom is the Queen of Sweden Ingrid, Lindsay's Dad is Wesley Patrick (the Duke of Edenburg in Scotland) and then there is Amy (Lindsay's twin sister.) Lindsay has a stuttering problem but only does that when she is nervous. In order for her to escape an arranged marriage Lindsay's parents pledged her to marry Prince Nicholas of Holland and Amy was promised to Jean Luke Sinclair of Switzerland. Amy likes Nicholas and Lindsay is not interested in either one of them.
To find out more check out the adventures of Lindsay right now it can only be ordered on line at,, Lindsay's adventures began in 1984.    


I went to an Avon meeting tonight if anyone would like to sell or buy Avon they are an insentive to those who can get people signed up to sell it gets a bonus. Check out my website at They have good products and good prices cheaper than Wal-mart and any of the department stories.  


I'm now a successful blogger!! After some trial and error I have finally figured out how to maintain a blog. All of my friends and fans can come to this page to find updates about my books and whats going on in my advocacy group. Thank you everybody for taking the time to visit my blog I hope you enjoy it.