Monday, March 21, 2011


Let me introducse you to Lindsay the star of the Lindsay novels the first one to be published.  I have been writing for a long time since 1994 and it took me quite sometime to get published. Lindsay is a princess, her mother is the Princess Jennifer of Sweden, Jennifer's mom is the Queen of Sweden Ingrid, Lindsay's Dad is Wesley Patrick (the Duke of Edenburg in Scotland) and then there is Amy (Lindsay's twin sister.) Lindsay has a stuttering problem but only does that when she is nervous. In order for her to escape an arranged marriage Lindsay's parents pledged her to marry Prince Nicholas of Holland and Amy was promised to Jean Luke Sinclair of Switzerland. Amy likes Nicholas and Lindsay is not interested in either one of them.
To find out more check out the adventures of Lindsay right now it can only be ordered on line at,, Lindsay's adventures began in 1984.    


  1. If anyone has been to Europe particularly Scotland, France, Holland or Sweden can you give me some information for the books. Where to go what to eat? How do they celebrate Christmas?
